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Writer's pictureLindsey

The Greatest Gift I've ever received

Because of the quarantine and circumstances of these past few months, I haven't had the privilege to partake of the sacrament for 2 months. Today two priesthood holders wearing masks entered my little apartment and were able to administer this ordinance to me. One cup of water and one crust of bread just for me. I can't express the joy that filled my heart and the spirit that filled my soul at being able to renew my covenants with God after so many weeks. I have cried several times today just thinking about the joy of receiving this blessing again in my life. It literally is the greatest gift I have ever recieved and not being able to have it has once again opened my eyes to the incredible gift that it is.

I have been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints my whole life. Taking the sacrament each week has been something I have always been able to do. I can honestly say that I have taken it for granted at different times. Today, I do not feel that way. I can clearly see that each time that I partake of the blessed bread and water, my life is changed. My soul is cleansed. The spirit more abundantly fills my life and my decisions.

Life can get so busy and distracting that Christ and His Atonement can so easily slip away from my focus. Within one week or a month, scripture study and prayer can occur less and less until it is no longer a daily part of our lives. The sacrament can also become so routine that it loses its meaning. I have read the Book of Mormon and the Bible and sometimes thought how dumb the Nephites or Israelites were when they turned from God so quickly and become wicked almost overnight. But it actually happens to us too and this is why we take of the sacrament each week. To be reminded of WHY we are on this earth and remember WHO gave us all we have.

God has literally placed our spiritual health into our own hands. While church is not currently something we all gather for each week, it is now OUR CHOICE if we will keep "church" an active part of our life. It is a test we are all experiencing. Will I do scripture study every day while in quarantine? Will I study "Come Follow Me"? Will I fervently pray to God morning and night? Will I continue to keep the commandments? When all of the quarantine and restrictions are lifted, will I be spiritually stronger or weaker? That depends on each of us.

I know that God is my Heavenly Father. Jesus Christ is my Savior and He has not forgotten me in my struggles. He has not forgotten you. My prayer is that as you take the sacrament today you will truly take the time to remember Christ. To invite the cleansing spirit of renewing this covenant to fill your heart and receive this precious gift

He has given to you and to me.

Challenge: The next time you partake of the sacrament, take the time to adaquately prepare yourself for this ordinance.


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