In 2014 I got in a running accident that injured my foot arch. For almost a year I was in such excruciating pain with each step I took and the doctors placed a cast on my leg for a month to see if that could give my foot time to heal. My injury occurred right at the beginning of a BYUI spring semester, so each day I would use crutches to crutch to class and eventually a knee scooter. I hadn't ever been in such a difficult position where I was the one needing help and at first I didn't like it.
But as I humbled myself and allowed others to serve me I began to see the hand of God working through other people, sometimes total strangers. I had strangers opening doors for me, offering me rides home, and simply approaching me to ask if there was anything they could do to help me. There were several weeks that I hadn't been able to buy food for myself and my Relief Society President offered to take me to the store as well as several doctors appointments. She has no idea how much that simple act meant to me. It is incredible how much one simple act of kindness can mean to someone that is at their lowest point. Hopefully this week being "Random Acts of Kindness" week you can be that angel for someone else!
I have found over these last few years that these "Random Acts of Kindness" opportunities come to me in two ways. One way is through my actively searching for such opportunities. You will find that by just opening your eyes to see the needs of others. Another way is by creating such opportunities! Sometimes you have to put yourself out there to serve. Regardless of your approach, the soul is always cleansed and lighter by doing such acts! Below are service ideas that others have done for me that have influenced my life!
Ideas for "searching" for service opportunities
1) Holding the door open for strangers
2) Smiling at those around you wherever you go
3) While driving, allow those trying to get into a
busy line of traffic in front of you.
4) Ask if you can help a person on crutches or wheel chair in any way
5) Give a sincere compliment to passing strangers
6) If the weather is bad, offer someone a ride home
7) If there is a stopped car on the side of the road, pull off
to the side and ask if they need any help
8) Identify people you know that don't seem to be having a good day and
offer them a hug
9) If someone is carrying something heavy, offer to help carry it for them!
10) If a mother is caring for a crying baby, ask what you can do to help
Ideas for "creating" service opportunities
1) Buy food for those standing behind you in line at a restaurant or grocery store
2) Bring a treat and note to a friend (doesn't need to be a reason)
3) Send a text of appreciation to a friend
4) Place sticky notes of encouragement on someone's car/door
5) Bring a sick friend medicine or soup (even if they don't want it haha)
6) Serve at a local food bank
7) Send a note/email of gratitude to a family member/friend/teacher
8) Scrape someone's car for them! (This is a good one for those living up North)
9) Leave a generous tip at a restaurant
10) Make a roommate/family member breakfast in bed...just because :)
11) Do a sibling/roommate's bed or chore for them
12) Share an uplifting message on social media
13) Allow someone to go in front of you in a line
14) Thank someone who has done a public speaking or performance
(given a lesson, talk, musical number)
15) Identify someone you know that has been struggling and ask them what
you can do for them to ease their burdens
16) Thank a public service employee for their service in the community
(police man, fire man, garbage man, custodian)
17) Offer your umbrella to someone when it is bad weather outside
18) If you are in college- ask neighbors or people if you can take their trash out
19) Do a surprise party for someone (even though it isn't their birthday) ;)
20) Write an anonymous note of gratitude to your boss
21) Keep trail mix, water bottles or a few hygiene products in a bag in your car
to hand out to any homeless people you happen to drive by.
22) Sing or play instruments at an old folks home
23) Offer to watch someone's kids or take someone to the store if they don't have a car
Throughout my life I have known certain people that always seem to be searching for ways to serve. They do these acts out of love and not for attention. These people add such light to my life and I have been able to learn from their example what it looks like to live a life of love and service. I hope that you have been able to find a few ways to serve and that you can help start a chain reaction!
Challenge: Search for or create a random act of kindness each day this week!