These days we are all trying to be productive, running from one thing to the next and schedules filled to the brim with a never-ending list of things to do. Most people I know stay very busy and work hard to make a good life for themselves. While it is good we aren't idle, doesn't it seem like we wear a badge of honor on our chest based on how much we can fit in one day?
This is something that I personally struggle with, racing against an invisible time clock to go down my checklist! If I am not constantly moving and working towards a goal I feel stagnant and unproductive. But is it possible for us to move so fast that we miss the small, but most beautiful moments of our lives? Sometimes to find joy we have to find time to be still.
I love the scripture in the Bible that states "be still and know that I am God" (Psalms 46:10). What does God mean when He expresses that He want us to "be still"? He could very well mean that by slowing down our lives and trusting Him, we can find the peace of mind we desire. Like when He calmed the sea and said "be still," the storms of our lives can turn into calm waters.
The Lord has indicated that the blessings tied to being "still" include being able to feel the promptings of the spirit, having time to ponder, and finding peace. There are also a significant amount of studies that reveal how much meditation and mindfulness can greatly reduce stress and anxiety and replaces it with calmness.
Something that can bring peace of mind and joy is learning how to meditate. If you have never meditated before, let this be something that you try this week! The definition of meditation is simple- "to think deeply or focus one's mind for a period of time in silence for spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation."
Meditation can be as simple as resting your thought processes and turning on calm music. It could be turning on a general conference talk or a self-help podcast and resting your body as you listen and let your mind wander. I encourage you to note the difference you feel after one week of meditation and choosing to "be still."
Challenge: This week for 10 minutes each day, give meditation a try! There are fantastic apps that can guide you such as "calm" or "headspace" that can walk you through it or youtube videos! Seek to find joy in a greater peace of mind.