Life will provide us with a rich variety of experiences. For me it is really insightful looking back on all of the joys, mistakes, friendships, learning, struggles and experiences I have had so far these past 25 years. I see my life for what it has been, a great adventure and I am truly thankful for the ride. Sprinkled among all of these experiences I can see the little "tender mercies" that have graced my life. David A. Bednar expresses that “The Lord's tender mercies are the very personal and individualized blessings, strength, protection, assurances, guidance, loving-kindnesses, consolation, support, and spiritual gifts which we receive from and because of and through the Lord Jesus Christ.”

While on my mission I copied one of my companions. I bought a calendar and every day for the last nine months of my mission I looked for a "tender mercy" and wrote it in each day. I discovered that the more I looked for the Lord's hand in my life, the more I found it. I began to see how involved He was with my progression, choices, and experiences. The spirit became a more active part of my life and I found more joy in each day of my mission.
Whether we look for the tender mercies in our lives or not, God is constantly reaching out to us and touching our lives through people and experiences. He is eager to bless us. It takes faith on our part to invite Him in and fill our hearts. We can be passing through a fiery trial and still feel Him near, guiding and lifting us above pain and struggle. The moments when we don't feel that we can have faith, we can still pray for it and hope for it until we do.

Christ expressed to us that He has "graven us upon the palm of His hands" (Isaiah 49:16). Literally we are God's "work and glory, to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man" (Moses 1:39). God wants so much to bless us and Christ wants so much to be our Savior. If we will invite Them into our life and look for their hands, I promise we will find them lifting, strengthening, and guiding our every step.
I know that is what I am striving to do!
Challenge: This week look for the tender mercies in each day and write them down. Thank the Lord each night for those tender mercies you experienced that day.