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Writer's pictureLindsey

Discovering joy in exercising

We are told over and over throughout our lives the benefits of exercising. We all know that if we want to live longer we should exercise more! If we want to feel less depressed and increase enjoyment of life we should exercise! If we want to beat illness and consistently feel energized then guess what...we should exercise! There are some that have discovered this miracle cure to many issues of life but for the majority of people in the United States, the golden question is "Why don't we exercise?"

It is fascinating the types of excuses we can come up with to avoid exercising. Sometimes the excuse is "I just don't have time." Other times the excuse is "I'm lazy," or "I just don't have the motivation." or "I refuse to get out of this bed- it's too early!" or many of the other arguments we have with ourselves. If only we knew how much the quality of our lives would improve if we were to start exercising only 30 min a day and make no more excuses!

There have been many times over the last 5 years I have also used an injury as an excuse to keep from the gym which I realize now may have actually impeded the healing process. As we make daily exercise one of our highest priorities we will begin to discover the many benefits that come with it. can we find that motivation to start exercising? The key is discovering what activity YOU enjoy doing! Once you begin to enjoy your time exercising, it will no longer become a chore, but a part of the day you begin to look forward to! For myself I have discovered that I love running long-distance, hiking, swimming, Country dancing and lifting weights! When I do these exercises I feel happier, less stressed, able to handle life better, feel fit and so much more. So consider what you might like and give the activities a try! Here is a list of activities you might consider :)

Exercising Ideas!


2.Running- Train for a 5k, 10k, or even a marathon!

3.Going on walks with a friend

4.Biking- Mountain or road

5.Skate boarding

6. Swimming laps

7. Paddle boarding

8. Canoeing

9. Doing yoga

10. Lifting weights at a local gym

11. Rock climbing

12. Surfing

13. Roller blading

14. Ice skating

15. Dancing (join a city class)- Ballroom, Latin, Country, Swing, Hula

16. Jump rope

17. Organized sports- see if there is a city team you can join or organize a team!

-Basketball -Volleyball

-Football -Soccer

-Ultimate frisbee. -Softball

18. Boxing or Kickboxing

19. Water skiing

20. Sledding (If there is snow!)

21. Snow boarding

22. Snow shoeing

23. Archery

24. Tennis

25. Ping Pong

26. Snorkling

27.Pretty much anything else that gets your heart rate up!

There are SO many blessings that come to us as we are more active! Much more than previously mentioned! As you discover joy in staying physically active, God has promised us that we will begin to find "wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures" (D&C 88:19). Why not try the Lord and begin to take better care of your body. Rather than watch Netflix or scroll on social media, go enjoy the sunshine and start to move!

Challenge: This week select an activity you would like to do for at least 30 minutes a day to be more active! Exercise Monday through Friday and make a list of the benefits you are are finding as you begin to be more active! Set goals to continue being more active!


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